Presenting authors have 15 mins for their presentation, followed by 5 mins discussion.
Each session room will be supplied with an LCD projector and a PC with Power Point application.
Presenting authors can upload their presentations during the coffee break preceding their session or, for the opening morning sessions, before the beginning of the first presentation.
Authors who wish to do so can use their own computer hooked up to the projector.
A short biographical sketch about the professional background of the Presenting Author is required as an introduction by the session Chairman.
CLICK HERE to download the bio sketch: Metroagrifor_bio_sketch
Instructions for poster presentations will be provided shortly.
Authors and co-authors are expected to attend the Workshop or have a designated representative available to preset their paper.
The failure of authors to appear causes disappointment to the attendees and creates problems with the
programme schedule.
Authors who can no longer participate in the Workshop and give their presentation due to serious unexpected events are requested to advise the Secretariat as soon as possible.