Smart Agriculture beyond 5G
Stefano Giordano
University of Pisa, Italy
Davide Adami
CNIT, Italy
5G Networks are enabled to provide more B2B than B2C services that will contribute to accelerate the digital transformation of the agricultural sector. The fifth generation of the cellular networks will represent the enabling platform of new services characterized by more stringent QoS requirements but also by unprecedented reliability and security levels. These networks are the first to integrate sensing, processing (including AI/ML), communications, storage in a single infrastructure ranging from the extreme edge to the backstage of the public cloud. The session in inviting high quality papers on new visions, analysis and experiences directed towards the deployment of these new paradigms in Agriculture including, if possible, aspects related to societal impact, sustainability and human centered approaches.
Stefano Giordano is full professor at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa where he is responsible of the Telecommunication Networks Laboratories. He is senior member of the IEEE Comsoc, where he is Member of the Education Services Board and Vice-Chair of the Tactile Internet TC. He was Chair of the Communication Systems Integration and Modelling (CSIM) TC; He is member of IFIP WG 6.3 and of the ISOC (Internet Society) since its foundation in 1992. He is author of more that 300 papers on international conferences and journals on the practical and theoretical aspects related to teletraffic engineering, resource allocation in modern networks, multimedia communications. He co-author the word “Multimedia Communications” of the John Wiley Encyclopaedia of Telecommunications.
Davide Adami received the degree in electronic engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy, in 1992. From 1993 to 1997, he was with Consorzio Pisa Ricerche, taking part in a lot of research and technology transfer projects funded by the EU, such as the MAESTRO ACTS Project. In 1997, he joined CNIT, where he is a Senior Researcher in the area of ICT. He has conducted research for several research projects funded by ASI, ESA, EU (FP6 RINGRID, FP7 DORII, FP7 OFELIA, FP7 Fed4FIRE, FP7 SCOUT, H20202 UMI-SCI-ED), and the Italian MUR. He has been PI for 2 R&D projects (Ultradefender and Ultrarep) funded by Italian Tuscany Region concerning crop protection from ungulates’ attacks by using Ultrasound and AI. He has authored more than 100 papers in scientific journals and international conference proceedings. His present research interests mainly concern deep neural networks, IoT for smart agriculture, software defined networking and network function virtualization, the design and development of new innovative solutions for the integration of Cloud applications, IoT architectures and sensor networks. Finally, he is a lecturer at the School Engineering and Dept. of Computer Science of the University of Pisa.