The Single Market Programme: EU funding synergies for the safety of the food chains
25 October, 2019
Antonio Di Giulio
Head of Unit SANTE D.4
Food safety programme, emergency funding
Experience shows that EU added value in the food chain areas goes beyond what individual members States could achieve by implementing national measures without EU support. Funding synergies towards a higher level of health protection through the food supply chains, increased innovation, sharing of knowledge for harmonisation of rules at Union level are desired policy objectives. Moreover, in a context of budgetary constraints the Union needs to seek synergies and prevent duplication and fragmentation of key funding instruments for the support of the internal market and the protection of consumers.
Dr. Antonio Di Giulio is currently working in the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission where he is the Head of the Unit Food safety programme,emergency funding. Previously he has worked in the General Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission where he was Head of the Research Infrastructures, Food and Health, Strategy Unit and Interim Director in the Bioeconomy Directorate.
He started his professional career as an agricultural economist with the United States Foreign Agricultural Service- Department of Agriculture, (FAS/USDA) in Rome, Italy. Prior to his post with the European Commission, he was Principal Administrator with the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, (CIHEAM). He holds a Master degree in Agricultural sciences and a specialized Master degree in rural development, programs and projects. He has a Doctoral degree in food economics.